Sunday, November 28, 2010

serba tak kena

hurm......semuanya serba tak kena.....tadi cek kat FB tentang sesuatu yang menyentuh isu perkauman antara dua tempat yang begitu jauh berbeza dari segi percakapan@pergaulan, pemakaian, adat sesama mereka.....paling ketara dari segi penggunaan bahasa...dlm facebook tu.....ada group anti-SABAH...perghhhhh...mata ak tengok..mmg la steady...sbb ak org sabah yang belajar dekat semenanjung.....ak tak kisah sangat kalau org anti-SABAH ni.....bagi ak, orang yang buat group kat FB anti-SABAH ni mmg tak betol...da sewel kpla..otak da sengal...gegel tangan taip anti2 ni....macam2 isu zmn skarang ni....bdk2 zmn skrg da menyalahgunakan laman sosial yang diberi percuma....cuba klau drg tpaksa langgan laman sosial ni sbulan rm50...nk create group pn kna byr...perghhhh kompom xda bnda buruk...diberi percuma tak gunakan sebaik2nya... kat youtube pn ada isu keganasan bdk skolah blsah kwn..ish2...apa nak jadi lah dunia....bagi ak, itu sikap pramatang yang berlaku dizaman ak nak meningkat alam dewasa....ak tak pandang dah benda2 mcm ni....apa yang best nya....ak nak focus dlm idang ka skrg....ak nak dpt ijazah sarjana muda.....tak yah la nyibuk hal luar...bdk2 skg da kureng ckit...klu dulu2...susah nya hidup ni....nak msuk U pn perlu iltizam yang tinggi.....ak tengok bdk zman skrg ni, dadah pn ish2 pejam celik da ada depan mata....aiyoyo!!! ha! stu kes lagi yang semakin popular kat MALAYSIA ni....soal kekejaman suami....isteri dikelar la....bapa ditetak kekasih...lelaki zmn skrg dah tak ingt tuhan ea????nak marah smpi cmtu skali???ape pny manusia cmtu? ish2....apapun...ak x nk pandang lelaki bgtu....terok...isu skrg ni, da semakin mbesar...drpd fkir nk panas baran, dadah, anti2 ni..baik dok pkir sal GLOBAL WARMING.....tgk negara jiran kt....kesian...baik kt fkir cmna nk kureng kan GLOBAL WARMING ni spya generasi masa depan lebih mendapat jaminan melihat keindahan yg tumbuh mhijau kt sedang nikmati bersama......GO GREEN!!!!!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Friday lazy day!!!

Dont know what to do today.. aint gonna change is lazy friday...every one in male sexes will go to pray in the afternoon....huhu

I'm having trouble to sleep every night!!!!

Im having trouble to sleep every night.. i don't know what to do... Every time i felt like i cant sleep, ill go to somewhere i feel like there is a chemistry between my feeling about that place ... For the next day, as usual, I miss my class for the first thing in the morning.... but sometimes I manage to woke up early... and go to class as usual but a little bit sleepy... act like a fresh young women.. skip my breakfast and I'm slightly hungry..
My class always started at 0830 in the morning..
hopefully, i could solve this sleep problem.. ANY SUGGESTION?

should I?

I have a little faith in something is useful right now. Should i stay hostel or rent a house for the next semester?

Saturday, June 5, 2010

miss is me~~

miss is me...i was created to be normal human being!!but things didn't work properly!! wish i can turn back ma family....and live like im not dying(mortal maybe.....immortal maybe..who knows) have you ever being hurt by someone you love and care the most????? its a pain that kills you from the botoom of your endless hope...mum, why should things happen like this? dad? why dont you fix it????you are the built us and give us strength....but suddenly it fall apart...its not what i learned about unity...its a fear that fall me apart from my true selves...i hate when my parents not around me.sick of the drama...hating each other doesn't mean anything..mum& are the most important person that i care the most..but when both of you decided to break apart...i feel like i don't belongs to you....its a sadness and anxiety that you gave me as a present and i hate that...


wish you can heard us speak through our deepest heart that...divorce is not the first or last choice.....solution do come when you have just have to work hard looking for the best solution...